What's Next For Arbucks

Image of the Arbucks logo

Some information in this post is now outdated. Please see the following status update for more recent info.

This last week has been a wild ride.

Not just for Arbucks, but for the entire Arbitrum ecosystem.

And while Arbitrum adoption has been declining these past few days, the entire crypto market took a humbling hit today as well.

I still firmly believe the next few months will be full of great opportunities and accelerated adoption, not just for the broader crypto space, but also L2 solutions, and in particular, Arbitrum.

Furthermore, I’m trying to use this time to position Arbucks such that the project is set up to capitalize off the inevitable incoming large waves of Arbitrum users.

And there’s really only one way of doing this, which is to provide a great and unique product that people find useful, and then market it effectively.

Well, our features are growing and getting more unique by the day - but as I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, at least as of writing this, we do not have real-time data.

This temporarily disarms the ability of Arbucks to provide a great and unique product, because price data and most other analytics are simply several days behind.

I’ve been messaging back and forth with engineers from Offchain Labs, The Graph, and Sushiswap - but the issue looks like it’s primarily on Arbitrum’s end so far.

In the meantime, I’m just adding as many features as I possibly can that don’t immediately rely on real-time data, such as Arbucks Pro, ArbiDAO, and the DEX aggregator.

So I figured I’d provide a brief summary for each of those three big features in this post, and I also though I’d provide some realistic release dates for them as well.

Arbucks Pro

Release Date: Friday, September 24

Arbucks Pro is a “membership”, for lack of a better word, that incentivizes liquidity provision by unlocking premium features on the site.

You can learn more about what kinds of features it unlocks on the Pro page. There are a few different tiers.

Anyone will be able to stake 15-100+ BUCK-WETH SLP tokens and unlock these features so long as they continue to stake their tokens.


Release Date: Thursday, September 23

ArbiDAO is an integral part of Arbucks. It is the long-term solution for incentivizing perpetual development and maintenance of the project.

BUCK holders will be able to stake their tokens to create and vote on proposals that determine the path of the protocol in a trustless manner.

DEX Aggregator

Release Date: Wednesday, September 22

I’d also like to mention the DEX aggregator. It’s a widget that appears to the right of the TradingView chart on token pages viewed on desktop devices.

You can use it to get the best price with the lowest slippage for a given pair across several decentralized exchanges on Arbitrum, without paying ANY extra fees.

It’ll all be open-source, of course, and we’ll never touch your trades. They’ll be directly routed through each DEX’s respective contract(s).


It’s still unclear when we’ll regain real-time data. However, it is a “when” and not an “if”.

And I am quite confident that we won’t see another big spike in adoption until these underlying issues with Arbitrum get worked out.

After all, they are dragging behind most Arbitrum projects, not just Arbucks, in some way or another.

Anyway, like I said, the best we can do for now is focus on the things we can change, which means adding as many features as we still can.